Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twittering on

Library twitters were fascinating to follow. They advised of events, promoted specific books or reading for pleasure, and responded to followers' tweets. Some were educational, with 10 tips for this or that, one tip per tweet. One site was tweeting about an event as it happened - perhaps Birkenhead Library could try this on opening day - a running commentary! Another updated patrons about a systems outage, and I spotted a competition - the 100th tweet wins a prize.

The styles vary from normal, trendy to frankly alien. They include links to topical websites. The 'audience' is assumed to use other social networking sites, and to be (it seems) on their cell phones and computers practically all the time.

A tweet for North Shore libraries (see

Going away, heading for sunshine? Avoid library meltdown, smart dudes freeze requests; my info, log in, requests, tick and freeze. Yay!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Searching Twitter

Swazzup provides more links and connections than the Twitter search engine, such as most popular links, photos, news and highlights. Both allow you to connect to Profiles. Often the results of these 2 search engines are quite similar - same tweets, same links. 'Trending topics' on Twitter seems useful.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Twittering on

At first contact Twitter looks a bit like texting on the net - complete with own jargon, spelling and numerous fans. I checked out Barack Obama and Jodi Picoult.

Jodi tweets about everyday things she is doing, shares her thoughts sometimes, empathises with followers and promotes events related to her books.

Barack Obama advises of key events, celebrates his political successes, calls for support and shares follower's responses. Clearly he is using it as a political tool. Does he really has time to write these himself?

I enjoyed reading these tweets, even though it was one-sided as I was not logged in. Some are very clever. The language and abbreviations need practice - one day I will have a go, but not in the few weeks before Christmas.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Creative commons

Good to learn about Creative Commons as full copyright can be really restrictive in making displays in the library. I am sure I will find sites and photos with Creative Commons licenses helpful.

The CC license for the Web 2.0 proramme is CC License Attribution, Non-commercial, 3.0 generic.

Found the following photo with CC License Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivative work 2.0 generic.

Module 1 Topic 2

Open ID seems a great idea for training exercises like these, and Web 2.0. I was aware that OpenID was occurring between some sites during Web 2.0 exercises, and wondered what was behind it.

People who use social networking and who join up to new sites regularly would find OpenID simplifies access and would be useful. However I would not use if for banking or webmail or other sites where a high degree of security is desirable.

Many library patrons have trouble with their passwords and pin numbers. It would be good to suggest a simple solution that didn't take long to explain. Maybe a leaflet outlining the pros and cons of OpenID with links to explanatory websites would be helpful to some or our patrons.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Online Privacy and Security

Some of this course material will be valuable for patrons, friends and family. It is important for library patrons to remember online security, especially when using OPAC to pay online, and Pharos for printing private documents. My Info has contact details that could be used inappropriately by others.

We sometimes need to remind people about copyright and to let them know if they might be breaching the law. Netsafe's website and McAfee's brochure about security could be recommended.

Friends and family may need to be reminded to only place information on the web that they want to share, and to choose carefully who they share with, when using social networking sites. Keeping anti-virus software up to date, and using Netsafe to block some content are important for families.