Sunday, October 12, 2008

Exercise "22" - a familiar number at Shore LIbraries

Social networking is very much a thing of the moment. Observing my wider family, it doesnt seem such a great thing from the point of view of sustaining good relationships in the home. Let's face it, if you are on a computer you cant be holding a good conversation with your partner, can you?
I find I get a bit cross about the amount of time I need to spend in front of a screen at home in order to find information, answer the emails, keep up with my interests. I would rather be in the garden and would like to better organise my time so that the computer doesn't take such a big role.
At work in the library it I can see that social networking may be an inevitable step to keep libraries used and relevant. It is a pity that this will mean librarians spend more time in front of a screen, but for the moment there seems to be a good balance of direct interaction with library users and working on line. This is possible because of the hourly roster rotation where I work. I couldn't imagine working all day at a desk as I really enjoy being on my feet at the desk, back and forward to the shelves, etc.
Change is inevitable and I am sure we will rise to it as it comes.

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