Monday, August 18, 2008

Modern technology

I am not at all sure about technology - got to know the amazing abilities of the digital camera for example, and next thing it breaks down (after 3 years of use). Company explains that it only has a life of 3 years, so purchased another one. Ditto - same thing happens although it nearly made it to 4 years this time. Guess I should be grateful. My wonderful washing machine has an expected life of 8 years - I am living on borrowed time with it now. The last one endured more than 22 years of use with few grumbles.
Then there is the Internet - what wonders are out there, but how challenging to master it all! I guess I must try if I want to have any hope of keeping in touch with my children and grandchildren who speak the language- so here we are.

1 comment:

bulawayo said...

Like the proverbial bumble bee in flight my buzzing confusion has finally landed me here! My inexperience with technology and the scope of the internet has my grand daughters gazing at me with head shaking fondness while they pronounce me "so cute". With dignity ruffled I am determined to explore further! Hoping your advanced stage can offer me guidance and encouragement.