Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who am I?

I know my place in the family tree - above me generations of prolific folk spread their branches, my ancestors growing in number with every new step backwards in time, until I imagine their numbers could reach the proportions of the heavens themselves. Some of their genes flow through me, shaping my being. And below me just a couple of new entries keep this root of the tree clinging to its life.

But I am also daughter, sister, wife, mother, in-law, cousin, friend, work-mate and grandmother. These links each have their own strength and they enrich me.

Things I love come both from the genetic line and from life - gardening and growing edible plants for sharing, the beauty of trees and flowers, reading, trying to keep a small footprint on the earth, writing and learning - these are part of the person I am. I also like such homely things as knitting and cooking, having friends around, playing and learning with my small grandchildren, having a coffee in the sun - in those rare moments of winter sun that take you by surprise - and walking on Auckland's lovely beaches.

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